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  • Writer's pictureTina Marie Baugh

Getting it All Done in December

Welcome, December! At this time each year, I am a little excited and sick at what the next several weeks are about to bring. As a woman in technology surrounded by men, I have to say, I do not see my male colleagues experiencing the same roller coaster of emotions. If anything, I hear them comment about how their wives are coping with the season.

Jingle bells

Will we have any major outages disrupting planned events with family and friends?

Jingle bells

Let me get Amazon really going now because supply chain is still a hot mess.

Jingle bells

Has everyone on my team requested the time off they really want for the holidays, and have we fairly granted it? With the talent wars going on, we can’t do anything that might have someone quitting.

Stop the sleigh ride already!

Here is what I am doing this year to give myself a folly, jolly, and holy Christmas season.

  1. 168 hours - There are 168 working hours in December. (We are off Dec. 26). I am getting serious about three things that are most important and impactful to the business, my team, and my professional growth, which can realistically be achieved in that 168 hours. All meetings, events…everything will be scheduled around these three things. Finish strong!

  2. People first - I have listed my immediate family and close friends. From now through the end of December, I am scheduling time to chat with each of them. Like real chat…not text. A real chat lets them know I am thinking about them; gives us time to connect. People don’t die wishing they had gotten more stuff, right? They always regret not spending more time with loved ones.

  3. Christmas activity list - We all have our favorite things that we love about the holidays, regardless of our faith. You may love an old movie, hot chocolate, puzzles, volunteering, decorating the church, or driving around and seeing lights. I’m making a HUGE, and I mean HUGE, long list of things to do. We will see how many of the things we can get done. (My husband’s response to this is a long moan, but he does all the silly stuff anyway. Wonderful man!)

What don’t you see on my list?

  • Crazy long hours shopping

  • Insane amount of cooking and baking

  • Creating and mailing Christmas cards

  • Running around to five houses for Christmas

  • Posting about our “wonderful life” on social media (Pinterest anyone?)

These items may be relaxing and fun for you. If you love shopping, put it on your fun list. You know the things that stress you out, though. Make sure you list those things, too, and ensure you avoid them.

So how about you? What will you be doing this December to ensure you maximize your limited time and actually enjoy yourself? What tips do you have to share?

I would love to hear from you!

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